Weight of the Digitized World on Data Center's Shoulders

Skyrocketing demand for Data Centers in a digital world has changed the requirements and responsibilities that they carry for our personal and professional worlds.  As enthusiasm grows for  IoT devices, big data and digitized services; organizations need immediate access to data from anywhere at any time to make rapid business decisions and stimulate innovation.  Heavy reliance and demand on today’s modern data centers means budgets are rising as well and this looks to be a trend that will continue over the next several years.  The IDC research firm is predicting that data center budgets will rise to $16 billion by 2019 and will be highly focused on automation for increased efficiency.

Along with the new roles data centers are playing at the foundation of an organization, data center professionals will need advanced skills to keep up with multiple technologies in order to meet the digitized world’s demands among growing volumes of data created.  Areas such as data center virtualization, security and IoT technology is going to be the backbone of knowledge needed for data center employees’ success and value to the business.  Read full article here.

IoT data center power

Considerations When Managing Internet of Things Services Through Edge Computing

As organizations become increasingly more dependent on Internet of Things (IoT) communications to drive critical systems and business processes, all other aspects of the enterprise are being touched as well and the management of IoT services becomes more complex.  The rapid growth of global IoT devices is predicted to reach over 75 billion by 2025 and companies across all industry sectors are starting to go down the path of digital transformations in search of new services that will benefit both the enterprise and the customer.  This is moving organizations in  different directions and disrupting the traditional components of IT infrastructure in the modern data center.

Whereas cloud computing is not specifically designed to handle IoT, organizations may soon see the need for completely new infrastructures to be put into place to support IoT applications closer to data sources to ensure IoT service delivery is successful in real-time. Enterprises will need to consider edge computing to meet the challenges of managing IoT networks and services along their journey through digital transformation dependent on new innovation.  Read full article here.

British Airways Data Center Computer Outage Leaves Passengers Stranded Over Holiday Weekend

Not the holiday weekend that passengers of British Airways were expecting when the airline had to cancel hundreds of flights from Heathrow and Gatwick airports, reportedly leaving 75,000 passengers stranded in 170 airports across 70 countries.  On Saturday, May 27, an extensive computer system failure affected all check-in and operational systems with respect to flight, baggage and communication.  This could cost British Airways hundreds of millions of dollars in passenger compensation and out of pocket expenses for the multiple day ordeal.  So, what happened?

According to British Airways Chief Executive, Alex Cruz, the problem was caused by a power surge that also rendered the back-up systems ineffective.  Apparently the power supply issue was at one of the airline’s U.K. data centers and the IT staff there have spent days getting systems back up.  The exact circumstances as to why the back up system failed as well at this time is unknown. However a spokeswoman for British Airways states: “When the customer disruption is completely over, we will undertake an exhaustive investigation to find out the exact circumstances and most importantly ensure that this can never happen again.”  Lesson learned, test your data center backup plan before chaos ensues.  Read full article here.