Advanced Modern Modular Data Centers for Edge Computing

An MDC with more than a rugged enclosure built for edge computing

Did you know you have more controlled access with the Binary Bunker MDC than almost all conventional ISO container-based modular data centers? Built for edge computing, the advanced engineering design shows not only in the rugged, light-weight concrete enclosure but more importantly when you look inside. Best-in-class components (racks, cooling, electrical, security) and your modular data center will endure the most vicious environmental conditions, anywhere in the world, without compromising structural integrity.


Procurement Simplified

The Binary Bunker is for those that prefer to manage fewer vendors, reduce procurement complexity, and want an MDC product that is pre-engineered for edge computing (without the hassles). You may be surprised when you compare products on the market today; the energy efficiency and engineering capabilities of the Binary Bunker stand above and beyond. In addition, the Binary Bunker Modular Data Center has been peer reviewed by professional engineers at Black & Veatch; procurement simplified.

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edge computing modular data center

Posted in Edge Computing.